Why meditate?

Meditation as a Gateway to Inner-Realization and Freedom

If you really want to learn something, practice it. Learning to share these practices and teachings with others will profoundly deepen your understanding, awareness, compassion, and well-being.


Meditation as a Tool for Healing and Awakening

There is innate power in being able to support yourself in your healing, personal growth, and spiritual awakening. Through the sessions you will become trained in a wide variety of skills and have the joy of practising them and benefit from them wherever you are.


Meditation is Serving the Healing of Our Planet

Learning mindfulness and compassion directly contributes to the evolution of global consciousness and the healing of our world. Your deepened understanding of divisive societal conditioning that causes suffering will help inspire justice and compassion in our communities and a heightened caring for our earth.


Meditation within a Community is a Blessing

Participation in our meditation classes will give you the opportunity to learn and grow spiritually in an international community of practitioners dedicated to breaking down the barriers to connection. In addition, the intimacy of your one-on-one mentoring group allows for a gratifying depth in relationships. Your emerging local and virtual network will give you enormous support in your personal and professional growth.


Meditation impacts All 

Many of us wish to align our way of earning a living with our deepest values. Practising mindfulness and compassion has the potential to contribute in a wholesome way to your own work-life balance. The positive influence of meditation is increasing not only among the general public, but also impacting education, business, nonprofit organisations, communication, health, prisons, mental health, addiction counselling, coaching, and individual and personal transformation.

"Meditation is more than just stress relief. It creates an altered state of consciousness in which we can thrive and live our life with passion. We help create a better world through meditation, charities and events. Always transforming, always growing.  "

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Seelenfrequenz Coaching | Zentrum für Gesundheit | Nymphenburger Str 137 | 80636 München

E-Mail: info@seelenfrequenz-coaching.de